Thursday, November 20, 2008

We saw an interesting video about a survey that was taken the day of the election....
I was really surprised to hear how few people got the right answers on these questions....
How do you suppose that is? I wish the producer had done the same type of interview with McCain supporters, it would have made an interesting study...
how many questions would you get right?

The Supreme Court is going to conference on Dec. 5th about President-elect Obama's citizenship..its been kinda of a soap opera...his African grandmother swears she was at his birth in Kenya...his half-sister can't get what hospital he was born in straight, Hawaii won't release his original birth certificate...the one on his website isn't quite right, the Indonesia school he went to only enrolls Indonesian citizens and he was enrolled there..alot of questions that should be put to rest.
It was submitted to Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas who is a just and fair man..I do not think he has an agenda so have faith the truth will come out. A conference is just a private meeting the judges have to decide if they will accept the case or not.
You will not see this on the news...its been blacked out. It could cause quite a bit of unrest if they accept the case.


  1. Please keep us informed Dani if you can. I would very much like to know the outcome of this. Thank you for your updates and info that we can not get anywhere else.

  2. Thanks so much Dani for posting this!!! I heard part of that poll interview on talk radio, and it was good to see the whole thing! AMAZING!!! And I am so glad the Supreme Court is going to address the citizenship issue. It needs to be addressed! I really appreciate you posting this!



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