Here is Chata...she's a tiny little girl, very cute....would be great for singles or a couple, as she is delicate, probably not small children.. she only weighs about 4 lbs....itty bitty baby....
Don has reported to me, that Beauty, the Chinese Crested I posted about last week, went to her forever home! She was adopted by a couple that already had two other Chinese Crested pups so she will be in her own pack family...isn't that great? In fact, several of the dogs I've featured in the last month have found homes through the new Pet Co. + with the local advertising from our
Mayor and this blog, there have been alot of donations that are really helping. The local Target has been donating dog food too. Thanks to all of you and the dogs thank you too if they could.
The rescue goes on...Don told me they would be getting in 5 more dogs today from a family who can't afford to keep them anymore. This economic downturn ripples through our society and hurts more than just people. If you'd like to donate or learn more about the remarkable Elizabeth who started this rescue, click on the link on the left hand side of this blog.
I made quite a few more Christmas tags yesterday and in fact, ran out of glitter...so bought more from a nice Esty seller who doesn't live too far from us, up in Riverside. She has loads of very nice vintage items in her store and I wanted to give her a small plug...if you like pretties, you will enjoy visiting her store...here is the link
WanderLust Pixie Dust Isn't that a cool name?
Lastly......as we won't have tons of money this holiday season...I am planning on doing alot of baking, cookies, etc. + making up some of the jar crafts...you know, brownies in a jar, chocolate cake in a jar, hot cocoa, soups, etc. The best place online I know to get holiday recipes, including "in a jar" recipes is at
Razzle Dazzle Recipes.....this site is the best of the best and I do not give that description lightly...right now Thanksgiving recipes are featured and I guarantee you will spend time there with all the links to fabulous ideas/recipes for the holidays.

I hope as we approach Thanksgiving and the whirlwind of Christmas we can pause to reflect on what is really important...like my dear grandmother used to say, "Like things, love people" I think our society has had it backward for too long...last night, we had supper outside sitting around the outdoor fireplace, our son was telling us about his day and I thought life doesn't get any better than this.
I am reminded of Philippians 4:11-13
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."