it was put out by the Victoriana online magazine........every Thursday will be video day at the Newsletter.....
I've got the redwork quilt almost all quilted...just a little left to do....some tweaking, and then I will put the border on it.....next time, I think I will find a better quilting frame, it was a little difficult with the large hoop....it kept slipping.
Pickens are slim and our cupboards are getting bare....Alan worked so hard this July and made quite a good amount of money, sent out invoices and no one, no one has paid us....he was on the phone yesterday with all the real estate companies...please pray that the Lord will open the floodgates as like everyone else, we have bills,and a bad habit of eating.
A new direction has opened up where the one section of two of the real estate companies he works for do property management and they need a handyman to do minor repairs....this pays right away....he will still do the locksmithing of course. He did one job yesterday, hanging some window blinds for a rental house.
Alan works so hard and has always been a good provider, he's been a good example for our sons too, and I am blessed to have such a strong Christian man as a husband...both the boys follow in their dad's footsteps as far as working hard...if you've never read his blog, its at Purple Mountain Majesty
he's really down to earth and puts photos that he has taken of our area....the banner photo is one he took when we visited Yellowstone.
Thanks for stopping by my blog again. I am envious that you got to see the Firefall. I hope you get paid soon, and I will check out your husbands blog.