Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Chat

I recently acquired this little cook book and am making a recipe from it after I get off the computer....I have another of this authors books and like it so thought couldn't go too wrong trying this one out...
I will let you know how it turns out....you can use either chicken or tuna and fairly frugal...I plan on serving it with a green salad with fruit for dessert.
We spent yesterday being empty nesters.....Donny had to work and Matt spent the day at the beach with friends...we enjoyed the garden and watched old movies on TV..they had alot of old war movies on....we both enjoyed the movie, "The Longest Day" , about WWII storming the beaches of Normandy...neither of us had seen it before so it was new to us...of course, we put our flags out too....
Did you know there are over 10,000 of our war dead in Europe? We couldn't believe it when our President went around apologizing....they'd all be speaking either German or Russian if we hadn't stepped in...my great uncle is buried in France.

We worked this weekend on the garden, doing weeding, cultivating and Alan staked up the tomatoes...they are mostly full of small green ones right now but in a few weeks! Some of the corn is over waist high and below you can see the shallots I planted... I knew we liked them but never grew any before.....the shallot plants are the ones in the center with the spiky leaves...I just bought a bag of them at the store and planted them....

Our big old toad watches over the garden for us.....he is such a crack up...I just had to bring him home....

Just a note....I have opened up my Daniv1951 shop to international sales...just sent a small order to Canada......I wanted to share one of my other favorites that I am surprised hasn't sold yet.....this is a pattern for making very cooling looking rugs from recycled grocery bags...its for crochet


  1. beautiful garden...so pretty...i have heard of that recipe...let me know how it is...would like to try it also...

  2. Neat cookbook! Your garden looks great!

  3. I think the shallots are what we called "bunch onions." They sure add a delicious touch to most anything, including potato salads.


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