Thursday, May 7, 2009

Something that is quietly happening on the political front is that there is a state sovereignty movement afoot....
" Almost half of the state legislatures are currently considering or have representatives preparing to introduce resolutions to reassert the principles of the 9th and 10th Amendments and the idea that federal power is strictly limited to specific areas detailed in the Constitution and that all other governmental authority rests with the states". Hopefully, this was help control the runaway expansion by the federal government...
the latest state is Oklahoma and their House has just approved HR can
read about it here

there is also a movement to get enough states to ask the federal government for a constitutional convention in order to repeal the 16th amendment (income tax) and cut funding to the federal government entirely.....I think just the thought of such of this seriously will shake up the Congress and perhaps get them to listen....

Hopefully, the above video won't be our future....!


  1. Dani something I think is funny is that when Vermont kept saying they were seceding because of Bush 43, everyone applauded them and thought they were cool. When Texans say "secede" we get slammed to the ground and called hicks and rednecks. LOL...state sovereignty isn't the same as seceding, of course, but I thought the two different reactions to the idea of secession was very telling...

    I do think federal oversight is needed IN A FEW IMPORTANT AREAS. States rights ought to the rule for the rest of the laws!!!

  2. States rights are what is being fought for right now...Montana just approved and signed a bill to make any gun or ammo made and sold in Montana, that didn't cross state lines, not subject to ANY federal legislation...all the states should do this....


What are you thinking?