Monday, March 16, 2009

Not only is there the 9-12 Project but there is also another grass roots movement called The New American Tea Party....there are "tea parties being held all over the country......I think the main problem is that the people in Washington have become elitists....they think the people are stupid and need help....they think a big government is necessary in order to take care of us....I mean, there is even a bill proposing that the government come in and supervise your backyard gardens!
without your permission or agreement, this is bill is so badly written...they could come and pull up your tomato plants in your back yard and if you have a few hens..forget it.....
One of my ancestors was John Minnis who participated in the original Boston Tea Party...fought in the Revolutionary War and was wounded...he bore the mark of the wound on his face the rest of his life with honor...

Its time to draw the line and let your congressmen, your senator know how you feel
here is the site where you can find your congressmen/women

here is the site for the senators......

1 comment:

What are you thinking?