As I came down the hall the other morning, this scene greeted me and I thought I'd share..Bandit is making herself at home, loves to look out this window..outside is the fig tree.
Its grown tremendously this year, it's just 3 years old and is a fast grower..
The two green elephants were brought over from Vietnam when my dad was stationed there..he sent over two sets, I picked the green ones as our house is mainly in greens and my brother got the more colorful set in shades of terra cotta, reds, greens, and browns......the bamboo plant was one of those lucky bamboos...Donny gave me one years ago and it grew too large so I planted it in a pot...its doing well.
I read that McCain chose a running mate, I am not familiar with her but what I read today made me think he made a good choice...she certainly is not one of the "good old boys" and has courage to stand up to them. She also knows that it's like to live as one of the little people, coming from a ordinary working family.
I am not going to say too much about the election as it approaches as there are some who just get nasty and vulgar...I really do not understand that but its the society in which we now find ourselves......I was on the high school debating team and we learned to deal with actual facts not just call each other names...do they even having speech and debating classes anymore? I do not understand the TV debates either, they are not real debates at all...not how I understand debates. I don't like most of the political commercials either for the same reasons...and we just don't watch much news during these times but get our info from online sources, newspapers, etc.
I think both parties need to clean up their own parties and not be slinging mud across the isles..as I've been in a few mud fights, everyone gets dirty....
Still haven't been paid much, Alan has gotten calls from more individuals who just bought homes the last few days and some referrals which is always nice....this week was slow as it always is before a big holiday weekend.
Donny has been asked to move out to the rescue as they need someone there at night...they have a little vintage trailer out there he can stay in...its small, has a kitchen, dining area, small bathroom/shower and bed...it could be rather cute if it were remodeled....we were telling him there is a movement to fix these little trailers up but he doesn't believe it...he will home several nights a week and bring his laundry home of course...I think it might be good as a first taste of living on his own...he is 20. He gave them terms, said he wanted a raise, internet access and cable TV...they agreed to everything. After Elizabeth passes (she is 89 and the owner) he will inherit the trailer (plus) so any work he does on it will profit him later. I am not sure what kind it is, I only saw it once..we are thinking we will take a look at it..Alan is such a good handyman, he may be able to help make it more comfortable.
Through these all, we look to the Lord for guidance, provision and grace...He is in control and its exciting to see things unfold, not only in our own lives but in these last days.
Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.
You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.
Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!" James 5:7-9