Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spiced Peaches

Our little kitchen smells wonderful today..Alan didn't have but one job so he's making pickled peaches....wow...everyone who comes in the front door can't believe the delicious spicy scents..wish you could smell it.....we have lots of peaches so one entire box is devoted to these toothy delights....the other will be dried in the new dehydrator...plus tomorrow its more tomato soup as the big patio table outside is covered with ripening tomatoes....I am not sure why we feel compelled to make so much this year but God has blessed our garden with abundance.

Spiced peaches

6 lbs. peaches (about 2 dozen medium sized ones)
8 cups sugar (we used splenda or you could go half and half)
2 3/4 c. cider vinegar
4 cinnamon sticks
4 t. whole cloves

Make sure the peaches are ripe and sweet..wash and then dip them in boiling water for about 4-5 minutes, then immediately ice water..the skins should slip off easily this way...
cut off any brown spots and mushy areas....cut in halves or quarters and remove the pits.
Mix the sugar, water and vinegar in a pot and get it boiling. 8 cups sugar, 2 3/4 c. cider vinegar, and 1 1/3 cup water. Heat until sugar is dissolved. Put the spices in a cheesecloth bag and add them to the boiling liquid. Boil for 5 minutes or so..Add the prepared peaches to the hot syrup. Bring to boiling again and simmer for about 10 minutes or so until tender.
Place peaches in hot jars, fill the jars and then add syrup to 1/2" of the top of the jars. Seal and put them in the water bath canner...process for 10 minutes
Lift them out on a towel or wooden cutting board to cool....this recipe makes 6 pints..we went overboard (as usual) and ended up with more....7 pints and 2 quarts..

I am doing a little stitching between helping the big guy can, cleaning up the kitchen afterwards, taking care of the household, laundry, cats and young men, etc...a cute little Halloween mat...I will show you when I get further along on it......
Our youngest went today to get his driving permit....he asks for prayer....he has a very good job offer with our water district but he has to have a drivers license..he's a born procrastinator...and has put this off for months......he's been studying the drivers manual all morning and set off to  the DMV this afternoon..hope he didn't leave too late!


  1. YUM! You guys will be eating good this winter;) I can almost smell them from here!!!

  2. Sounds wonderful! My Grandmother used to make these.

  3. The recipe sounds wonderful, Dani! I love fresh peaches. Best wishes and prayers to your youngest. I hope everything works out for him with the job- that sounds like a very good opportunity!


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