Friday, September 25, 2009

Who Am I?

Its Friday and another guessing celebrity game...this will be the last one as its the last Friday in September...I will come up with something else next week.

Who Am I?
I was born in 1943, in New York, New mother and father were respected artists..I caught the acting bug early, and did was the cowardly lion in a stage production of The Wizard of Oz at age 10. Later my mother sent me to acting and preforming arts school, but I dropped out as I wasn't ready. Ran around with a bad crowd for a few years...but it didn't last 16, I was again preforming, touring in a company doing a play from Chekov.
I acted ever since, and have two Academy Awards, one Golden Globe....and considered by some to the be greatest actor of all time.

The winner"s door prize will be a surprise this week.....a mystery gift......

We had another hot day yesterday, although it was slightly cooler..the good news is the nights cool off nicely.......we've spotted a few small fires in the last day or so, and the fire department gets them out immediately.......nothing real close to us but within sight......our tomato plants are starting to flower so I am hoping for a second crop......lots of weeds though and its been so hot, I haven't wanted to pull them.....
I wanted to share...I have always admired artists...I've always wanted to learn to paint and maybe will take it up one day but until then, I enjoy seeing others work.....if you get the time, please check out Dave Huddleston:Home SweetHome blog..he also sells on Etsy.....what talent!

I have one more candle mat just about finished..I am waiting on an order of felted wool for the bottom...

again, this pattern is from Primitive Stitches...

Can hardly believe the month is almost over!

1 comment:

  1. Like I said before..That is a real work of art did great


What are you thinking?