Eagles Wings..."but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:30-31
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)
This modern looking footprint was found in Kenya, and supposedly is somewhere between 1.51 and 1.53 million years old...looks like it could have been done yesterday, huh? You can find more about these footprints here These are things that you don't read about unless you are into scientific journals and such....schools don't teach these for the most part..there is so so much scientific creation that the main stream ignores ...right now, there is a big controversy about dark matter....its rather complicated but the gist is that evidence is growing that the universe has a edge and center..and is ever expanding...this is anathema for evolutionary scientists as it implies that that the earth has a special location and had to have been especially placed where it is.... "Earth appears to be within 100,000 light years of the center of the universe, a position with the small chance of 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 of having happened by accident." This is in the April 2009 edition of Scientific American.
Right now there is so many new discoveries being made,in all branches of science to support the Bible and creation...schools can't really keep up with all the new information. Its a very exciting time we are living in!
Isaiah 40
21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded?
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
The dog rescue often gets pure bred dogs and this very nice German Shepherd would make a wonderful pet for a family......her name is Ally and she was found as a stray...no one has claimed her...she is about a year old...the person who found her, kept her for a few days trying to find her owner...he says she is very sweet, quiet, doesn't hardly bark, and loves children. He said she is house trained also..can use a doggie door, and dearly loves to cuddle...Ally did need some surgery, she was found with a broken knee....but that has been done.....if you'd like to meet Ally or any of her friends, she can be found at the Sun City K-9 Dog rescue if you'd like to help with her vet bills, they do accept Paypal and just mark it for Ally....... I met Ally personally and she is very friendly.
Don told me that they have Chihuahua puppies now so I will try to get some photos for next week......he asked me why I wanted to see them....I am just like a little girl when it comes to puppies, or kittens for that matter......I think we all have a little children inside, don't you? I think one never grows old, if we keep that little child fed occasionally...with a little bit of silly fun, a little fantasy and imagination.
sorry, I haven't posted the last few days....taking a break....I did post on my other blog....we didn't do much over the weekend...I did take a road trip with Alan to Orange, California...and took photos but he took them off my memory card to send to the real estate agent so I don't have them to show you...the house was fairly cool, old and in good condition....I especially liked all the vintage woodwork throughout and the kitchen cabinets were in very good condition...I enjoy the old cabinetry and if it were mine, I'd keep them, just clean and paint them.....put on new hardware...but that's for the new owners. It had a nice brick fireplace too and had a total of 7 bedrooms....four were in the main house and two were separate. The two separate ones had their own bathrooms...they all centered around a courtyard....we were talking and decided if it was ours, we'd rent out the two outer bedrooms.....looking at the city website, I think it was a Spanish colonial style house.....probably built in the 1930s.
we've been doing alot of gardening.......some sort of weed has invaded the garden so we've been taking care of them....there are over 40 corn stalks coming up...and the tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables are growing.....the cabbage was attacked by cabbage worms, so we took care of that too with some Sevin dust..........the yellow crookneck squash has flowers! you can see the weeds we've been pulling....they look almost like a succulent of some sort..shallow roots so they are easy to get out.......the ground isn't the greatest but in time, it will be better....we put in quite a bit of soil amendments and keep pulling out rocks......and rocks....and rocks..... I am soaking some moonflower seeds and have the ground ready by the fence line for them....I think it will be pretty when they cover some of the fencing...the seeds are supposed to be soaked in water 24 hours before planting......I think it will be nice to having something blooming at night as well as our night blooming jasmine.
Lastly, I ran into two frugal cooking/living blogs you might enjoy...one is called Cheap Cooking.com and the other one is Budget101.com....they both have lots of good ideas and good recipes.......
I try to keep this blog interesting and usually post about something different every day..I have so many interests.......one of them is architecture...I've always loved houses and buildings....when I was little, my folks bought me a set of American Brick building blocks and I would spend hours designing little houses....anyway, I was sent some wonderful photos of some very unusual and unique buildings.....there are many so I will post the American and Canada ones today. Next Friday, the European and Asian ones......
This is the basket building in Ohio.....
The Kansas City Public Library
Habitat 67, Montreal, Canada
Ripley's Building, in Ontario, Canada
Wonderworks, in Orlando, Florida
Aren't these wonderful and imaginative? How creative mankind can be! I hope one day to visit some of these....love to go in the library.......love to see what they look like inside!
I come to the garden alone, While the dew is still on the roses; And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The Son of God discloses.
He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their singing, And the melody that He gave to me, Within my heart is ringing.
I'd stay in the garden with Him Though the night around me be falling, But He bids me go; through the voice of woe, His voice to me is calling.
(refrain) And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own, And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known..
Many times, I like to sit on the swing out in the garden, usually with some hot coffee...its very pleasant and it reminds me of this favorite hymn. It was one of my mom's favorites too.......
Don is experimenting with video of some of the dogs, this isn't long but want you to meet Kookie, he is a medium/small white poodle. Poodles make great pets and are good for people who have allergies as they don't shed. They are intelligent and trainable. Someone abandoned Kookie and he was found wandering the neighborhood. He is fairly young, the vet says under 3 years old and just needs a second chance. He is good with other dogs, not aggressive but friendly, and just loves children.
I know his coat look alot better if he could be groomed. One of our neighbors rescued a little white poodle named Daisy, she was very gray, dirty looking and thin. She is groomed on a regular basis by a groomer who has a van and comes to the house. I will have take a photo of her now. She looks like a new dog, brilliant white with sparkling eyes and a spring in her step. She knows she is beautiful. Her new owner walks her every day and has lost weight herself so it was a happy match for both of them.
The Temecula Tea party was a great success..there were over 1500 people and it was very peaceful...lots of drivers voiced their agreement by honking and waving too.....regardless of what the left wing says, this isn't a racist movement...but then, if you criticize the President, you are automatically branded a racist.....the left just can't figure out that the sleeping lion is waking up ....this Tea Party movement is just in the beginning stages, more to come.......and its more than taxes...alot more and its just not the President..but the entire congress and the "business as usual" system...
Yesterday, I tagged along with Alan and after we rekeyed a house in Hemet, Ca...he decided to drive out into the country, following a new highway until it ended on top of this hill.....it was dirt road and the view was really nice...this is looking toward Diamond Lake. The large gray buildings you see on the left handside at the top is a museum...they found quite a few fossils in the area, including a mammoth skeleton...that is displayed there. Loads of large boulders and rocks...there are quite a few homes here too, although I didn't photo them.....great views....I don't think I'd want to live out there though, as its a little far from town...but it was fun visiting....Alan likes these rock photos, he makes online jigsaw puzzles from them. At home, we have been invaded with ladybugs! Last year, we bought one of those bags of them at the nursery and set them loose in the yard...and they are back again.... This is one of the pepper plants and its really starting to grow, our weather has been quite warm, in the 90s so the peppers and tomatoes have taken off....the Chubby Checkers corn never came up after 3 weeks, so we found some white corn seed and replanted. The Peaches and Cream is up except for a few spots so we reseeded those areas too......the corn seedlings are only about 2 inches and we wanted to replant so the newer won't be too far behind.....the bush beans are up but snails have eaten a few of the leaves, so we put down some snail bait....we had to clear away the mulch from the strawberries too as we found snails hiding under it, and baited those areas ....snails are always a problem here........they love sunflower seedlings too... so what's happening in your neck of the woods?
This is so cute...just click the triangle play button.
Kay sent me a link to another Susan Boyle song she recorded for a charity in 1999 its "Cry Me a River" It just goes to show you, its never too late to follow your dream.....I'd love to have one of her CDs , wouldn't you? I hope she just stays as she is, and no make overs like the Hollywood types would like...its part of her charm.
Larry King had her on his show too...I think we are going to be seeing and hearing alot more from her...I am praying she will be very successful. From what I can find out, she is a church volunteer and stayed home with her ailing mother until the older lady passed away...a good daughter...now its her time to shine...God bless you, Susan!
Friday, April 17, 2009
sorry my posts have been short this week, I have an awful cold and cough....under the weather..... the Tea Party was an enormous success and our Temecula one had over 1,000 people attend.......the government doesn't seem to understand what is going on.....and think this is just some rich people crying (Nancy Pelogsi) or some organization is behind it....not the case but they just can't understand why so many are upset.....but Wednesday is just the beginning...
Here is a spreadsheet with the totals, but they are still coming in, so far over 500,000. It was all very peaceful, and respectful. I don't think this is just about taxes...but we are crying for our country to get back to basics and honor our Consititution....they are so far away from it.....I know many want term limits and a total overhaul of the House and the Senate.....no more pork, and over spending on pet projects that only benefit a few...this is not a partisan movement, there are people from all walks of life, all parties and no parties.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On the home front, our beans are all up and the corn is coming up too......when it all gets bigger, I will post a photo...the nectarines and peaches have set fruit and the apple tree is starting to leaf out as well as the fig..... I just wish I felt a little better, but that will come in time....there is alot of colds going around..at first I thought it was an allergy but its turned into a cold. We've had alot of work this week, mostly REOs....we were told that since the moritorium has been lifted, there are going to be alot more foreclosures....
Some of the dogs are fostered out and Boone is one of them....that is the foster mom's little girl hugging him. He is a cocker mix but the foster mom says he acts like a lab...very sweet to everyone and loves children. He is also good with cats and other dogs.....he is young around a year old, is housebroken and has all his shots...he's make a wonderful pet for a family. He mainly stays outside but does sleep inside at night.... Donny has been really working on their web page and is adding YouTube videos of the different dogs. So far they are rather short time wise but he's still working on them. I think this is very unique and am proud of his accomplishment. He is working on sound also.
Still am having allergy problems, very congested...it's so windy here today......the beans are almost all up and we can see signs that the corn will soon follow.....
Alan has been busy so we couldn't go to our local tea party.......I hope you got to go to yours......neither of us thought much of President Obamas speech last night, nothing new...sounds like he is still campaigning...he does good campaign speeches as long as his prompter is working. The below video is hard hitting and thought provoking....
I am under the weather today....heavy allergies, hayfever type........the good news is I had 3 sales in my stores today which I just mailed out......its very windy outside which doesn't help the pollen count. I can't really take many allergy medicines as they knock me right out
I will say I am glad the government is looking into the banks overcharging their customers and raising interest rates...I have one credit card and Citibank raised my rate in January to over 28% interest...never been late and have paid off the card twice before.....they said it was because of the "economic climate"...I feel like these are loan shark rates..so I closed the account and am paying a smaller amount each month until its paid off through a program they have....but can you imagine? 28% interest!!!! These from the people who got a big bail out...and still need more money...its like a black hole...pure greed....
some other good news is our Blue Lake green beans are coming up.....no sign of anything else yet.
Yesterday was a beautiful day...We cooked a turkey breast and had mashed potatoes/gravy and various salads......Donny had to work at the dog rescue so we took supper out to him.....
The sod that was donated is doing well it isn't really established yet but is alive and growing. And we visited the new mom and her puppies...they are so cute...and have their eyes open now..they are about 2 weeks old.. she's a good mom and usually very protective of her puppies, but seemed to like us...she let us pick them up and didn't growl...i said maybe it was because we smelled like turkey..LOL Don says there is another dog expecting puppies too. All will be available for adoption in a few weeks, once the puppies are weaned and Mom is spayed......
They've been doing alot of work at the dog rescue, alot of clean up, re arranging and it looks so nice....it was a real joy to see and a blessing...... I got a phone call from my brother too who lives in Ft. Worth Texas...I hadn't heard from him in some time, so we had a good visit.......
A few times we've re keyed homes and people have left things behind...after a certain time, usually 25 days, everything left is considered abandoned property so the agents are glad if we take things away that we can use or need. They then have other people come in to clean the houses and remove everything...its usually just thrown away.... About 3 weeks ago, we went into a home and there were all these wonderful children's books still there..... there was the complete set of Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter books... a set of fun tongue twisters and number poems.. I liked the illustrations......
and lastly a big book of Fairy Tales.... I've always loved books and couldn't see leaving these to be thrown away...could you? They are all in new condition...I am thinking I will just save them as one day we might have some grandchildren.....Growing up we never had any books in the house, but did go to the library every two weeks or so...Mom never subscribed to magazines either but always read to me when I was little until I could read myself.... I read every night to the boys when they were little and still have most all their books stored away for the future......Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, Pig Pig books, etc. We also read the Beginners Bible over and over again......reading is so important........ I wonder if with all the texting, twittering, TV, and videos if kids aren't missing out...we neither text or tweet and our boys don't either.....they just aren't interested.......they don't watch much TV also, usually just a movie in the evenings or so.....
We had a good rain this morning and its cool....in the 50s...the sun is trying to come out this afternoon.....nothing has come up yet in the garden but its about time as its been a week since we planted....... I won't be posting tomorrow so will take this time to wish you all a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We did a little Easter decorating...we used to color eggs but the boys have kinda lost interest so that has gone by the way......I remember all the dozens of eggs my folks would boil and we'd color, my brother and I..... This photo was taken in early November of 1956 right after my brother was born....it seemed like alot of eggs as we had hard boiled eggs for about a week afterwards.....deviled eggs, egg salad, creamed eggs and salmon over rice (Dad's favorite), and even hard boiled eggs tucked into a meatloaf (I always liked that)..and I got them in my school lunches too....
I like to decorate the little corner cupboard that Alan made about 25 years ago....the baskets are the boys that their grandma gave them when they were little.....I still fill them with candy...one is never too old for a Easter basket.
The colors are not quite true on these pics...the vintage geese are light yellow...my friend Nancy, made the raggedy runner and its a bit brighter too.... I haven't decorated the table yet, right now its covered with invoices and work orders....!
It seems appropriate to share a new site I discovered which is a blessing, its called the Promises of God: when its more than we can bear...... please check it out and also go further into the site for lovely poetry, stories and such...
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time." I Peter I-5
Welcome Riley, he is a shy sensitive pekingese chihuahua mix...I think he is very sweet. He's a real cuddly bunny and likes nothing more than hanging out on the sofa....he's about 4 years old. Because of his size, he would be better with no small children......and someone who would help him get out of his shell as he is very quiet. He is being fostered and his "mom" says he is learning to become housebroken and walks on a leash well....he gets along with other small dogs. He weighs about 5 lbs. He would be great for an older couple or person who could give him lots of attention. You can find out more about Riley by visiting the Sun City K-9 Dog Rescue website and see all the other wonderful rescued dogs that they have....Don says right now there are so many that need forever homes....they are overflowing.
There are going to be Tea Parties across the nation next week........here is a google map showing where they are all going to be http://tinyurl.com/cghcfm
This just isn't about taxes, although that is included but about the government creeping into private life
"This is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of society is reduced to mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering... And the fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in it's train wretchedness and oppression." Thomas Jefferson
Just in the last month, the government has either passed or is considering some very intrusive bills, Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act or CPSIA.....this came about because of the lead hazards from foreign products...however it has gone much further and has just about banned small business owners, thrift stores, etc. and even libararies from having any children's items or older books. You can read more about ithere H.R. 1388, "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act" (GIVE), requiring everyone "volunteer" for community service........you can find the full text here they are trying to get it mandatory for all young people...trying to get around the bill of rights......they plan on putting young people in camps for training and wear uniforms... Senate bills No. 773 and 778- Cyber Security Act of 2009..giving the government control over the internet....this is scary stuff.... Bill HR 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009".....may prevent small farms and organic gardens...you can find out more about it here
These all start out as good ideas....we need to have lead free toys and such for the children, volunteering is great, there needs to be more security on the internet, and food should be clean and healthy...they all seem good but all go too far.......just like our wise forefather stated.....its a slippery slope when the government takes on a Big Brother mentality. Many of these bills just get passed by our represenatives without being read! I think they should be required to read each bill before being voted on, don't you?
Before I leave this subject, I wanted to give you a link where you can keep track of your states Senators and Representatives votes....here is the linkthey will send you each week what bills they've voted on, links to send email to them, etc. very helpful. There are over 400,000 people enrolled in the 9/12 project in less than a month......ordinary people like me who normally wouldn't get involved from all walks of life. I won't be posting any more politic things this week so we can concentrate on the most holy of holidays......
Alan and I worked yesterday, mostly on the garden...he rented a rototiller. He and Matt rototilled soil amendments into the ground, while I took out as many rocks as I could...there are still more but the larger ones are gone.....quite a job but well worth it in the long run...... He also picked up some starter plants, Japanese Eggplant, and Big Boy tomatoes....we planted those, plus 4 rows of corn, we planted some called Peaches and Cream, and the other is called Chubby Checkers......Blue Lake Bush Beans too, my favorite, I love green beans. Also zucchini, watermelon, cucumbers and we transplanted the yellow crook neck out of the wheelbarrow into the garden.....I also moved some of the cabbage plants from the planter into the garden..they are suppose to be whoppers, 50 lb. size although I think we won't wait that long to harvest them. Also potatoes. When we returned the rototiller, I bought some pepper plants, orange, yellow and red.....
After wards, we gave everything a good drink..the lawn sprinkler system works great and such a fine mist, will be good for the new seedlings as they emerge...now if we can keep the bugs away, we will be doing good. There is still space for flowers and we are planning on marigolds so help keep the bugs away...I noticed the Amish always have marigolds in their vegetable gardens....
When we were all done, we sat on the patio, with some cold drinks and enjoyed looking over the garden....the birds were singing, and chirping, I know I felt very satisfied and at peace and I think Al did too.
It doesn't look like much yet, but in a couple of weeks when everything starts coming up and the plants get established...it will look better...... The tomatoes we planted in the planter box have really grown and some tomatoes have set..