Friday, September 5, 2008

My Thoughts

We watched the Republican Convention for the last two days...heard Palins acceptance speach as well as McCains...and we were both in very impressed, especially with Gov. Sarah Palin's..she proved to be a strong woman with high ideals...frugal too which we appreciated...I loved it when she said she sold the corporate jet on Ebay, and drives herself to work. Her comment about the difference between hockey moms and pitbills was mom's (I was one) are about the same.
The main objection that I have read from the far left and the far right is that she should be home with her young children and who is going to take care of them? all the while her husband and parents are standing by her side. I might as well say the same thing about Obama, who is going to take care of his children?
I read one editorial today that complained about her "beehive" who is being petty?
and called her family, disfunctional because her kids looked uncomfortable and how dare they have 5 children? As far as her daughter finding herself with child at 17. Frankly, it really isn't our business, is it? I mean, when Clinton was found in the Oval office with a young intern, that wasn't " supposed" to be our business either. Young love versus old lust.
I do think the young couple should have a quiet wedding and stop the voices.
Country first..., as a Christian, its God first, Family, second and Country, third....but country is in the top three. I know where they are coming from what the Country First motto...there are many on the left that have in their minds left the USA for a international global citizenship. Obama has called himself a "citizen of the world"*They have rewritten our history and are ashamed to be American...and are leaning toward for a one world government. If they lean much further, they will fall down hard.
Anyway, that is my thoughts, what are yours?

*said in speech at Berlin's Victory Column, July 24


  1. You have some savvy insights there!

  2. Very well said Dani....My thoughts are the same as yours..what goes on in family life is personal and should stay personal

  3. Well said, Dani.

    I consider myself an independent, though I do lean more towards republican ideals, especially concernign life. Without life, what the heck good are liberty and a pursuit of happiness?

    When all this started, I kind of had the same view as I heard from the democratic convention speakers... "John Mcain is a true American hero but that alone doesn't qualify someone for president".

    Well... After hearing his story again and again, I am convinced that it does indeed. How many of our past presidents were elected because of their heroism for our country? Being that kind of a hero counts. I feel I can put my trust in a man who was willing to die for me and our country.

    Not only that, but to come home from that and then dedicate the rest of his life to continued service is a real testimony to his character and qualifications.

    I am very impressed with Governor Palin. My husband and I were already fans because of her strong pro-life position. But after hearing her speech and all of the confirmation of her qualifications... WOW! She's the real deal. And the fact that the media and/or opposition wants to use an irresponsible action of her teenaged daughter to "bring her down" speaks volumes. I hope none of us are ever judged by what our teenagers do or don't do!!! Kids from all walks of life and all family backgrounds have found themselves in that same predicament.

    I don't know that there will ever be a candidate or a "ticket" that personifies everything I believe, but I feel very content that I can vote for this ticket in good conscience and hope for our future.

    Thanks for giving me some "brain exercise" to start my day!!!

    Love ya... *Linda*


What are you thinking?