I got on the computer this morning and guess what one of the headlines was? "Frugal Americans Hurt Economic Recovery"...friends, we just can't win, can we? You can read the story here
they say, that people are saving their money but I don't believe that, we sure can't..every bit of our money goes to paying the mortgage, putting food on the table and paying bills...there is usually more month left over than money...and no money for savings...how is it with you?
now, this wasn't always the case for years, Alan had a good job, a well paying job and a regular paycheck..and before the boys came, I worked too so together we had quite a bit put away for the rainy day however, with him losing his job, the rainy day came and went...and so we were drawn to opening our own business which is slowly (too slow some months) growing...
and because of that, we've had to cut back on our donations also...we used to give generously to several worthwhile organizations.
I really sympathize with all of those hardworking people who have been laid off...its rough......
God has given me dreams in the past and He gave me one about a year or so ago....I don't remember if I have blogged about it before but since it seems to tie in with what has been going on..thought I would share...
hence, the photo of the stadium..
In my dream, I am in a large stadium, something like the one above with hundreds of people, not thousands, but hundreds...we are singing, and worshiping the Lord...and the Lord's presence is very evident..when suddenly each section of the stadium starts rotating individually...people start screaming and chaos is everywhere...the sections start moving faster and faster...when this sudden peace comes upon us while this is going on...everyone quiets down and we all realize that this is God's doing and we have nothing to fear....we just hang on and wait....the sections get enough speed to peel off and each section flies through the air...I remember looking down as in a plane and seeing the ground with fields and water...we slowly start coming down and gently come to earth...I get out of my seat and make my way off the section...looking around amazed as I am suddenly 16 again, thin and young, (which surprised me)..looking around at others, we are all transformed and I remember feeling wonderful, full of life, light and energy. We all realize that the Lord had returned and there was so much joy......
I don't get dreams very often like this..in fact, I've only had about 3 or so that I knew were special...but take this for what it's worth, I think we are in the revolving stage now..things are chaotic and scary...but, God is in control, be at peace..I believe He will provide for all who trust in Him and commit their lives to Him...He will care for you....
For I will surely deliver you, and you shall not fall by the sword; but your life shall be as a prize to you, because you have put your trust in Me,” says the LORD. Jeremiah 39:17
Enjoyed reading this..your words were comforting. Well written. Blessings,Kathleen
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am - I keep hearing the same refrain from various Christian bloggers - we may not know the exact events but we definitely know Who is in control. I usually say I've read the book and know how the story ends - and Right does win. Good post -
ReplyDeleteAmen! again and again...
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your wonderful dream, Dani.... we all need reminders right now that even though everything is out of our hands, everything is still in God's hands.