As you know, I participated in the One World One Heart blog fest this year which ended on the 12th.....got an email yesterday from Trisha (Easily Amused, Hard to Offend) and I was one of six winners...I got to pick out which prize I wanted and I picked this great Edgar Allen Poe bookmark..the one on the left. I've always liked his writings. It was hard to choose as all her offerings were so nice....she is an altered art artist. I was rather surprised as I usually am not lucky at all.
Alan had a job in San Diego today but I didn't go along...he had to re key a Taekwondo studio. He is branching out into industrial buildings and businesses and we just got our ad in the local Yellow Book.
We are expecting 3 more storms coming in the next few days....and its chilly....our vegetables are ok, holding their own and we are keeping a close eye on them. I haven't checked the strawberries, they've been covered all winter....I really need to go out and do some gardening but is so chilly and wet outside. We are getting weeds too so there will be lots of work as it warms up.
I think its very bad all the fuss made over the lady who had all the babies....over reaction by many people...yes, the doctor was at fault big time and should have his license suspended, and yes, I think the mother is mentally ill in some way...I think we should be more concerned with the babies safety and health. There are so many websites, and media coverage that is just plain mean spirited and shall I say it? evil ......and I think what is making people so angry is that the people of California will have to pay for this at at time when California is broke....a better solution would be to have the fertility doctor, the one that was so irresponsible pay for them, don't you?
What do you think? I mean, he was the one who allowed this to happen....he's the "professional".

What do you think? I mean, he was the one who allowed this to happen....he's the "professional".

That is such kitties...I wish I could get mine to pose like that...Kitties are special and very independant critters :)