Sunday, January 18, 2009


We are having a lazy Sunday...not a whole lot going on ....that is kinda nice. I did want to let you know that Alan's youngest brother Jeff has just started a blog and I hope you all will welcome him into is his blog link Are We Having Fun Yet? He will be so surprised if he sees alot of hits so please head on over and encourage him. You know what it's like when you first get started.
I also wanted to show you what our youngest son has come up with...he likes to tinker with mechanical things and he especially loves bikes....ta da! he made his own (what he calls) double bike...
yes, it works and the one in the BACK does all the peddling....he still has to work on brakes though..fairly good for someone who doesn't weld, huh? He's been having fun with going through the neighborhood but doesn't dare take it on hills until he gets the brake problem resolved.


  1. How fun is it that your son likes to tinker with things - that is an invaluable skill - learning to work through a challenge. I realize it is a bike but intellectually problem solving is a great quality.
    Glad you are having a good Sunday - I need to do a blog post and just am blog blocked! Fantastic church service this morning and now we are watching football - good day here too.

  2. Oi Dani,
    vim para te desejar uma boa semana e que Deus continue te abençoando muito.
    Felicidades e um abraço


  3. How clever your son is! Just love the bike. Love your header on your blog! blessings, Kathleen


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