I just got a notice that the pretty vintage style paper I ordered is coming! Can hardly wait to start the Christmas cards. We've only gotten two so far so I guess I'm not too far behind....but maybe there won't be that many sent this year with the price of stamps and our economy....are you sending out cards?
This has been a slow week for us and I am praying it will get better so we can have a good holiday....last year was very bleak and we had to ask for money to stay afloat....very humbling experience and I hope one day we will be in a financial position to help someone else. Alan is at a job right now.

I've been tagged by Penny at Miss Pootsies's Primitives...and supposed to list 6 things you may not now about me.....
1. I am an early riser, usually up and dressed by 5:30..have coffee on and am reading the paper.
2. I am a early person,(can't you tell?) like to get everything done by noon and relax in the afternoons.
3. Our bed has to be made and dishes done before I go anywhere, its a compulsion....
4. I've let my hair grow out and its below my shoulders....its tied up most of the time. I really like how Sarah Palin puts hers up but can't figure out how to do it...I am a klutz with hair.
5. I do not like to exercise.....and it shows....sigh
6. I am getting totally burned out of Etsy and debating on going back to Ebay....
I know I am supposed to name others but as I just did it earlier in the week, if you want to put down 6 things on your blogs, please do.......and please to sure to visit Penny...she and her family are such talented prim artists...here are an example and a link to their auctions

I know what you mean about postage Dani...Billy was paying all our bills by mail and now that I have started paying bills on line through my banks web site I know we must have saved at least $50.00 in the past 3 or 4 months...that made it a little easier to put that stamp on my Christmas cards. I only mailed about 22 so far and have a few more to go but I do feel like I have got one over on the USPS...good thing I have my computer huh? Scott even fixed a calendar through Google that reminds me when bills are due plus I have it set up on my cell phone to remind me and even for BD cards. I often wonder how we managed before the computer got so popular...but things weren't as expensive 8 or 9 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will have a problem if my computer fails :)