the above photo as a banner...here's the link to the store InspirationMemoires..just starting out on this new venture...I still have the other store also for embroidery and craft patterns too. Its more established and all my feedback is there. I do have 100% good feedback.
Etsy is a website where artists can have sell their goods...its only for handmade items mainly, although one can sell vintage items if they are over 20 years old and also artistic supplies...I have two stores, Inspiration Memories for my own creations and the China Lake Shop where I sell patterns and craft books.
Sorry I keep going into political stuff....this has been quite a year, hasn't it? I don't remember a election like this one before, does anyone? Can't help but feel God's hand in it and that He is in control. I have often studied the scriptures about the last days and realized that the United States doesn't play a roll in end time events, its not mentioned any where so perhaps our status in the world will lessen and little Israel will be alone on that last day just as the bible foretells. Jesus also says that when He returns, will He find faith on the earth? with atheism and apostasy running wildly through the world, that may well be. Let us stand fast and hold on to what is good.
..Could we be actually privileged to live to see the coming of the Lord?
Dani, I often wonder if we are truly living in the last days as well. I find myself saying "Come quickly Lord". May it be so.
I have seen Etsy on other blogs as well, and wonder about it. How does it work?