I've always liked this photo...reminds me of my mom for some reason...she worked as a parachute inspector during WWII in San Diego......
I signed up for a online crafting class and am going to try to make this darling little flower pot doll..I think she's cute....and I can think of a lot of places to put her when she's done...our main bathroom is decorated with sunflowers. So I think I will use yellow calico fabric. She isn't really big, you use a soup can as a base. You can get a lot of interesting craft classes at eCraftClasses.com

There is a lot of talk about a recession going on....and we all have to cut down on expenses as everything is getting more expensive...today on Good Morning America, they were talking about grocery shopping and this one lady was spending only $60 a week on groceries for two.....we spend about $120 a week for 4 which I don't think is bad....I cook a lot from scratch and don't buy much junk food (to my teens anguish)last night we grilled big hamburgers outside, tonight is Taco Tuesday...I try to get things on sale and do buy in bulk at times when there are good buys. We don't eat out much at all....we used to go out to dinner once a week or so but no more...
I do quite a bit of baking (my speciality) this morning I made blueberry muffins with a streusel topping. They are sugarfree, I use Splenda for sweetening...as Alan is diabetic....he loves them and when he's working, tucks a couple away for a "on the road" snack. I get the frozen organic blueberries at Costco, huge bag which lasts us probably two months or so.
About the only thing I buy that are processed is instant mashed potatoes and dry milk powder...they are good, healthy and cheap! I get them in bulk.
we are growing some vegies outside in oak barrels...I have potato plants,carrots and lettuce growing right now...want to plant more, especially tomatoes soon....and hopefully our fruit trees will start producing this year.....
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