Good morning, here is a nice photo of a cafeteria...probably in the late 20s or 30s...
I wonder what kind of meals they served.?..it does say Breakfast Served on the banner at the back of the room...everything looks sparkling clean and ready for business...
we got a call yesterday from a mortgage company in Scottsdale, AZ to do a re keying job here in Menifee...that is very encouraging...nice when our advertising pays off and all our hard work is rewarded...hopefully, any work they need done in this area will be done by Alan's Residential Lock from now on...Alan and our son Matt are there now, rekeying a foreclosed home...all these homes are in nice areas...we went by the house yesterday and spoke to the next door neighbor...evidently the family slipped out in the night and the house was all closed up for several months....It didn't look bad though, the lawn was green and the roses were blooming...guess the rain we had helped.
Alan and Matt went to a large home last weekend...huge....almost what I would consider a mansion....lovely outside and in...on the island in the kitchen was a note, saying "We didn't want to leave", how sad is that?
I just don't understand mortgage companies who evict homeowners...nothing is selling and the homes stay empty for months, losing money for the mortgage company...why not let the homeowner stay and pay what they can..? You can't even flip a house right now....someone tried to do that in our neighborhood, bought it at auction, repaired it and now it sits, with both a "for sale" and "for rent" sign on it.
I understand the company has the right to foreclose but something should be worked out with the homeowner until the house sells or the owner can make payments...this is getting ridiculous...some neighborhoods look like ghost towns...
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