here is a vintage French postcard, enjoy!
I woke up with a back ache...probably from pulling weeds in our rose garden.....so many weeds after all the rain we've had...my roses are starting to grow and I need to dose them with some epsom salts...they thrive on it...we also intent on planting more sunflowers along the fence line...might as well plant things I know grow well here...
Our mourning doves are back again also....last year they made a nest in our African Sumac tree and laid several clutches of eggs, raised the chicks and left in the fall..
the nest blew down. I don't know if they nest in the same place every year or not...guess we will find out....
Kind of interesting Dani about the Doves..My son has a pair that nest in his out side porch light every spring and they come back every year. It doesn't even scare them off when people walk in and out the front door. I sure will be glad when I can go and weed and mulch and do the epsom sale thing to my Roses.