Another vintage fruit crate label.....colorful and pretty......these are so rare now....even the old fruit crates are valuable..I have one from our old town, Vista, Ca. have the crate by our front door sitting on top of an old workbench...I plan on filling it with flowers soon...our geraniums are blooming so will use one of them.
I've been kinda of in a "flux" place with the Lord.... emotions go up and down..part of being human....I am so thankful that Jesus understands and faith is way above emotion.
I signed up for the Girlfriends in God daily word emails, and they have been so helpful......todays was about Mary and Martha...how both women are necessary, Martha for all the work she did, and Mary for all her devotion.....as most of us, I tend to be a Martha...working always for the family, getting up before dawn,promoting our business, working on my blog, store, cooking, housework etc. and tend to neglect the Mary side of myself, yet it is the more important side....sitting at the feet of Jesus, prayer, and meditating on His Word....
..Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things." Luke 10:41
Prayer time is for benefit....reading scripture and meditating on scripture is for blessing and helps me cope with the stresses of daily life.....be refreshed and have things in perspective......God invites us and wants us to be in communion with Him.
It's so easy to get distracted by too many things! I want to seek to become more like Mary and spend time everyday "gazing" into the heart of my Lord.
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