Friday, February 29, 2008
Guest Book
This is just a little note..I installed a guest book at the bottom of the blog...please sign up! I see visitors from all around the country and world have visited my blog. I am so pleased you stopped by....don't be a stranger....and come back any time...I post vintage photos daily for your enjoyment...

This is another photo I got from an historical many times, you only see stiff photos, nice to see people actually having fun....
I treated myself yesterday and actually bought something off of Etsy....wanted to show everyone as I think it is so cool....I had some birthday money. The artist's name is Kathy and her studio is called "Out on a Whim"....I tried to put a link in for her store but Blogger isn't cooperating.
I also wanted to build feedback in Etsy...I have 100% in Ebay.
I really like the combination of vintage postcard, to hymn and scripture..."He is not here for He has risen from the dead"

Thursday, February 28, 2008
This photo is of a prosperous rancher around 1910, I found this photo on the internet....historical society websites are sometimes a good place to find vintage photos and they are for the large part public domain....but always check.
I don't comment on politics usually, ....we have a odd situation here in Menifee....the school district ran a school bond before the county as they said we needed new schools, which narrowly passed, immediately afterwards, the state cut back funding to schools and the district lost over $10 million dollars...they've been having meetings and have decided to close one of the exisiting schools....and also cut out bus service, which to my understanding will lay off bus drivers and other employees...the bond seems to be a moot point, although our property taxes each month will be going up, and for what? They had planned on
building 3 new schools....while closing one...odd and bizarre to my way of thinking. Most parents of elementary school children are very upset as the school they are closing is one of our best.
I am glad we only have one son and he's a junior in high school...he just enrolled in the River Springs charter school in Wildomar...he wants to finish high school in their independent study program....while working with his dad, learning locksmithing. He will get credit also for the work he does so its win win for him. I am not sure if he will continue and get his locksmith license or do something else later but its always good to have many skills...
From what I have read, in the old days, back in the 19th century, having many skills really paid off...I know my grandfather, who was born in 1886,and never went to school, was a cowboy, a farmer,a foundry worker, a baker, and a apartment building owner. He invested in stocks, struggled through the Depression, yet made money.....when he passed, he was able to give each of his 4 children, a good inheritance...a good example of someone with faith, diligence, honesty, and strength. He and Grandma never gave up or gave in, they trusted God to get them through.
I think our country is going through a rough time, but no worries..
our country was built on rough times....rough times will make us get down on our knees, call out to God and make us stronger people.
How Firm a Foundation
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?
In every condition, in sickness, in health;
In poverty’s vale, or abounding in wealth;
At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea,
As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be.
Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
Even down to old age all My people shall prove
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne.
The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.
I don't comment on politics usually, ....we have a odd situation here in Menifee....the school district ran a school bond before the county as they said we needed new schools, which narrowly passed, immediately afterwards, the state cut back funding to schools and the district lost over $10 million dollars...they've been having meetings and have decided to close one of the exisiting schools....and also cut out bus service, which to my understanding will lay off bus drivers and other employees...the bond seems to be a moot point, although our property taxes each month will be going up, and for what? They had planned on
building 3 new schools....while closing one...odd and bizarre to my way of thinking. Most parents of elementary school children are very upset as the school they are closing is one of our best.
I am glad we only have one son and he's a junior in high school...he just enrolled in the River Springs charter school in Wildomar...he wants to finish high school in their independent study program....while working with his dad, learning locksmithing. He will get credit also for the work he does so its win win for him. I am not sure if he will continue and get his locksmith license or do something else later but its always good to have many skills...
From what I have read, in the old days, back in the 19th century, having many skills really paid off...I know my grandfather, who was born in 1886,and never went to school, was a cowboy, a farmer,a foundry worker, a baker, and a apartment building owner. He invested in stocks, struggled through the Depression, yet made money.....when he passed, he was able to give each of his 4 children, a good inheritance...a good example of someone with faith, diligence, honesty, and strength. He and Grandma never gave up or gave in, they trusted God to get them through.
I think our country is going through a rough time, but no worries..
our country was built on rough times....rough times will make us get down on our knees, call out to God and make us stronger people.
How Firm a Foundation
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?
In every condition, in sickness, in health;
In poverty’s vale, or abounding in wealth;
At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea,
As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be.
Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
Even down to old age all My people shall prove
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne.
The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is a family photo back in the early 60s....these are 3 of Alan's siblings, his youngest sister, and two of his 3 brothers out at their grandpa's farm....I can only imagine what it was like to go out to the farm most Sunday's after church to play in the fields and along the creek that ran through the back of the farm...what a great time to be a child...Alan is working on his memories of growing up in Iowa, working summers at his aunt and uncles dairy farm, lots of good stuff there and hope he posts it soon on his blog...with photos too..
speaking of has been suggested he go into free lance photography and I believe he is going forward with this idea....if you haven't seen his work, please go to his blog as he has many photos of the Menifee area. The photos on the side of my blog were taken by him also. here is the link --
He was a industrial photographer for his previous employer for many years and did many of the photos for their catalogs on a yearly basis. He doesn't have many photos of people so will be working to enlarge his portfolio ....for weddings, parties, etc.
Monday, February 25, 2008

Here is a school from 1911....kindergarten through high school...I don't know if this was a one room classroom or not..seems a little large for that....
Alan's mom grew up in a one room school house...her fathers farmhouse caught on fire, and burned to the ground...her dad saved all the kids, all 8 of them..he was burned badly and was in the hospital for some time...a real hero..
He and her mom raise all their children in the old schoolhouse that was on their property. One big room for all of them with an outhouse and no running water. They had a well. Later they did get running water but not for a few years. and yes, all the children survived, except one daughter who died of scarlet fever, and went on to lead successful lives and have large families of their own. Alan is one of 10.
When we were last there, the schoolhouse had been turned into a museum. People had donated desks and other schoolhouse furnishings. There was a brass plate on the front as a dedication.
here is a photo of the actual schoolhouse
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Scottish Cathedrals
I was thinking about a lot of the memories I've had over the years and one of my favorites is of watching the Black Watch at the San Diego concourse..we were able to go two years and loved it...I really enjoyed our stay in Scotland back in the 80s...and especially the bagpipe either love bagpipe music or hate it...there really isn't any inbetween... I changed the youtube as I found one I liked better...scenes of beautiful Scotland and the Scottish cathedrals....enjoy...
My Birthday

I turned 57 certainly don't feel that old....I have looked back a lot in the earlier posts of this blog and I think as we age, we do tend to look back to years before....but I don't want to dwell in the past but look forward to the future..There is still many things I want to do like:
1. Ride in a hot air balloon...they go over our house often and think how much fun it would be
2. Learn to play the piano....especially beloved hymns and rag time
3. Travel! I'd love to go visit my dear friends in Texas, also my brother and his
family....go back and see the family in down the East Coast and see
all the historical sites.....
4. I'd like to take a trip on a steam boat down or up the Mississippi
5. Visit the historical society in St. Louis and find out more about my great
grandpa...find his grave
6. Learn to needlepunch..
7. Live long enough to see my future grandchildren....
8. Go to Europe again and to Egypt and the Holy Land..
9. Write a great mystery book.
I have done a few of my goals,...did go to England and Scotland...have traveled cross country on the AMTrac sleeper train twice (which was a blast)....I've learned to
crochet and knit, and written this blog! plus lots more which would take too long to go into.....
Matt (our youngest) (16) made me a carrot cake for today. Our other boy had to work today....the dogs always need him although he wanted to stay home. My good friend and sister Kay sent me a wonderful long email and card which I was really happy is good and I owe everything to my wonderful Savior and Friend, Jesus!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Rainy Saturday Musings

Hi, another rainy was cool but nice this morning, but it clouded up, the temperatures is dropping and rain any minute.
Alan got a call from a realtor so he had a long drive to re key a foreclosed home...someone had taken the lockbox off and the the house had to be re keyed again....
.yesterday afternoon I went with him to re key a house that had just gone into was huge home...I counted 7 bedrooms, large living room, formal dining room.....the kitchen was enormous with beautiful cabinets and granite counter tops....the family room had custom cabinetry, a large fireplace..really a nice large home.
What was surprising was the house was totally open, all the doors were unlocked. Some person was partially removed the lovely wooden floors in the living room, pulled up all the carpet, and even taken the granite counter/ sink from one of the downstairs bathrooms. We found it on the floor in one of the bedrooms. The house felt empty, dirty, and abandoned.....yet there were signs of the family who had lived there....3 bikes in the garage, and a basketball court in the backyard.
In the master bedroom, there painted on the wall in large letters, Kiss Me Every Evening....
I prayed for the family who had lived there and hope better days for them...We came back to our little modest home and counted our blessings....

I know you are out there....please leave a comment and give me a Hi!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Afternoon Tea

Welcome to my Friday afternoon tea.....please make yourself at home, have a seat....I am serving Earl Grey, (my personal favorite) today, with some cucumber/watercress sandwiches, fruit, and some little shortbread cookies.....
How long does it take to ship tea from China by slow boat?
Oolong Time!
What does a teapot say to her hairdresser?
Don't teas
What does the teapot say to its bag?
I don't want another seep out of you!
Why did the teapot wear a cozy?
Cozy kept him warm.
Why must you be careful of tea at night?
Because it might mug you.
What does the tea do when it moves to LA?
It has its bags removed.
What's the teapots favorite movie?
Why did the tea get away?
Because it was loose.
I hope everyone has signed up for Alan's Sunflower Screensaver Giveaway.....only one day birthday is Sunday and after that the drawing...please click on Under Dog's Blog while there is still time....only 7 people have signed up so you have a good chance winning one of these nice screen savers...they are beautiful and virus or bad stuff, I promise! I don't know about you but I like to change my desk top and screen savers occasionally....get tired of the same old thing.
I suggested to Under Dog, to make some prim screen savers...I don't think any exist, has anyone seen any?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How Many Things Can You Find?

Thursday morning, boy off to work and another getting ready for school...Alan has a job this morning. We took my car in for its yearly checkup...the one we have for sale, and they found quite a bit of things to be fixed, brakes, etc. going to cost us more than we it will need new tires soon....sigh..
I was looking at this photo, its one I have collected.....see how many things you spy in this photo....I have counted 9 things...can you find more?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This is just a little post script...I made these recipe cards yesterday....the pattern is from Seneca Ponds...aren't they cute? This is the stock photo but mine look just like it....I will get one up soon..I was pleased how they came out....I will be offering a set of 5 of these on my store shortly...they are nice if you want to send someone a recipe and mail easily...the store link is on the left...the China Lake Shoppe...

Tuesday and both the boys are at school and is quiet....Alan has a cold and didn't sleep well last night, so he is sleeping in this morning....I hope we get some locksmith calls today but until then, he should rest.
We got paid from the one realtor yesterday for last December. She said the one bank is very overwhelmed by all the foreclosures and only has one person to process all the repair payments through. We were able to scrap enough money together to pay for our mortage...I am very thankful to the Lord for providing the funds needed.....
This is another vintage photo I collected.....I really like the clothes the children are wearing....the sailor suit for boys was very popular in the early 1900s.....and the girls dress could almost be worn today with some modification....I wonder what color her dress was? It looks like a polka dot fabric....
Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Monday......its Presidents day so my high schooler has the day off....not much school this month...he was off last Monday also for Washington's birthday, plus he was sick with a cold for one day.....
I like photos of old storefronts.....and to look at how prices differ....once we were going through an old trunk and found a San Diego newspaper from, what a was still in readable condition....we've kept lots of newspapers over the years, every time anything historical comes about..we have a WWII paper when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Kennedy's assasination, etc. I wasn't born when WWII started but my parents saved it...
Where were you when JFK was killed?
I know exactly where I was when we heard the school intercom announce it....I was in my 8th grade journalism class working on my column...I remember the principals exact words....."students and facility...I have a terrible announcement...this morning, our President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, is canceled for today and you are to go home.....if you take the bus, please go to back of the school..God bless us all.." and then her voice broke and you could hear her softly crying....the bus ride home was very spoke in whispers....we watched the news for hours at home on our little black and white family were not Kennedy fans but it didn't matter....
Saving newspapers is a good thing but remember to keep them in acid free sleeves or folders......cedar chests are not a good way to go for paper or fabric, I learned the hard way, my white wedding dress is now a awful shade of yellow from the cedar.......
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another photo for you....this is one I collected not my looks like turn of the century 1900 or so from the style of clothes, the women and girl have long hair (no bobs)....they don't look too happy, the one man on the right back looks bored stiff...they must have had to stand for some time. The 3 men in the back look like they could be brothers so it's probably a family photo...
so many photos of loved ones get lost to future generations...marking the photos helps so can get acid free pens at any scrapbook store or online store inexpensively....
I have a very special tintype I will try to get posted soon, I discovered from the writing on the back of it (in my great grandfathers hand) the story behind it and who the lady was..if he had not written it, I would have never known.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

This photo is of a picnic.....probably from the 1920s...looking at the dress and hair styles...the little girls have similar styles as my mom does in her school photo.
I got a call last night from someone who wants to look at my that is good news....although not having a car will be a sacrivice....maybe I can get a little cheap used one somewhere soon....just to get around town in.
Alan's work is picking up again.....two jobs today...the Lord is giving us a lot of encouragement from many we both think its His will that we stay the course...Alan found a video class online for learning how to do automobile lockouts which includes all the tools also so we may get it. I've had to turn down many car calls which would mean more $.
I opened an Etsy name on there is dani1951...I didn't realize that when you register your store name and your id are the same so there ya go....I thought I was just putting in a password id...oh well.....the link for the store is under favorite websites...
I just bought a new pattern from Bowls n Annies, De is having a special pattern sale right now and her bunny pattern is so cute..couldn't resist...if I get the time, I will start on one today.....nice for Easter....
kinda afraid to post this after what happened yesterday...
Friday, February 15, 2008
New Look
You are probably wondering what happened! So do I.....I finished the last post, hit publish and everything changed.....all the sidebar things went to the bottom...I worked on the very frustrated and quit......
well....guess I needed a new look anyway...what do you think? I like it...its a little too narrow but other than that.....?
well....guess I needed a new look anyway...what do you think? I like it...its a little too narrow but other than that.....?
Friday Morning Coffee

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines day yesterday.....I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items...while standing in line at the checkout...I put my few things up to be checked out, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large heart shaped candy box flop down on the counter, then another, then two pots of miniature roses, then two stuffed animals, I had to start smiling wondering who was behind I was paying for my purchases, I took a peek back and saw a big burly bearded man with tatoos on his arms, laying yet another candy box down, he saw me and gave me a defensive look like "what ya looking at"...had to chuckle as I left the store...
We actually had rain yesterday....quite unexpected by the weather people....and it got colder again...I knew the warmth couldn't last...the rain is always welcomed though....
Thanks to everyone for signing up for Under Dog's giveaway.....if you haven't yet, please do...the screen savers are really really cool if you like sunflowers...I planted some last year...not knowing that he had planted some also in a different we had plenty..many different varieties too and colors...
his link is on the blog link list...Under Dogs blog....he also has some photos of Menifee .
Someone had called about the car and said they'd come over yesterday but they didn't...I waited all day for them...
Would you like more of the vintage photos? I have quite a few....have to get into my folks had several large albums and Mom took all photos out and put them into a cedar chest...that's when we realized her dementia was getting bad...I put all the photos in a large acid free box planing on making a new album but haven't got to it yet....its a bit overwhelming....always remember to write on the back who the people are....I wish grandpa had done that because I have some I don't have a clue about...I know they are family but who?
I am opening my Etsy shop again....Glad Tidings members are also and we are leaving Ebay for the most part...I will probably keep my account but Ebay has really neglected its artists and small mom n pop sellers....I only have a couple of things in Etsy...some of my jars....the only problem with Etsy is it only wants handmade things and I sometimes sell estate sale things.....might try Ecrater for that, haven't made up my mind and am praying about it....I do think I can sell patterns, etc. on Etsy though....
well...hope you enjoyed the Friday coffee....I start late being on the west coast.
Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Giveaway Winner Is.....drum roll...
DragonLady! (Brenda)
Under dog used the random generator... I will email you and please give me your address so we can send you the tags and congratulations!
Just a reminder to sign up for Under Dogs giveaway....a nice sunflower screen saver..his giveaway goes on until my birthday, the 24th and he will announce the
winners on the 25th
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tomorrow I will announce the winner of my giveaway.....the great Underdog (Alan) will pick a name......
I also wanted to tell everyone that he is running his own giveaway...he has made the most awesome sunflower screen saver he is giving away..if you like really must sign up...he is giving away 3 of these so sign up quick....he just wants to drive a little more people to his blog...he's lonely! He will run the giveaway until Feb. 24th, my birthday and announce it on the 25th.
to find his blog, just click on Under Dogs blog under my blog list at the right.
Thursday, February 7, 2008

It takes more than lace and ribbons
And lovely verses too
To make a Valentine
Thats nice enough for you
It takes a world of special thoughts
Tucked into every line
And thats exactly what you'll find
Inside this valentine.
Good Wednesday morning! Here is one of the last Valentines....tomorrow I will announce who won my giveaway....its still dark here, early morning...everyone is still sleeping but will be getting up soon....I need my first cup of coffee so will leave you with this valentine poem
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
One World-One Heart Giveaway
I am participating in the One Word-One Heart Giveaway...I am offering these wonderful Easter tags, they would be great on your Easter baskets or cards...there are 8 of these with white satin ribbon ties, they measure about 2 1/4" by 3 1/2" and are embellished with some glass glitter...please leave a comment and I will pick a winner randomly on Feb. 13....please check by to see if you have won on the 14th.
also...please note that I am giving away each day until Valentines a valentine postcard...there are 4 now listed in previous posts.I will post a new one every day so check back... snag away!
In my store, I craft with vintage images and make nice journal jars and journals..these are on Ebay also....the links are on the side bar..

4th Valentine

The Valentine is from the 1920s....the flapper, and the reference to Sheba and the Sheik.....remind me of aunt, my mothers older sister, was a teen during those years..she has never mentioned those times but I do have a photo of her in a flapper dress.... I wish they had talked more about those times or kept a diary/journal...
as a child, I always liked to sit and listen to the stories of the older people in my family....they didn't seem to mind and I do remember some of the stories....wish they or I had written them down now as most of them are passed paternal grandmother did write down a lot and I have that...what it was like living on a dry farm in Montana...knowing her great grandparents who were born right after the American Revolution. My maternal grandpa had a genealogist do a book on our family which I have also and one great aunt was a active member of DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). I love mysteries and always want to know more...just my nature, I guess...
on another note....we put for sale signs on my car today...its a nice car...Alan bought it for me and treated me to leather interior, lo jack, and all power gets great gas mileage and is very nice....hope to sell it soon and get out of our hole we are in right now...please pray with me that the right buyer will come...they will get a good dependable car and we will be blessed to get back on track with our house payments....its a win win for both of us...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

3rd Valentine...this postcard is one of my sweet and romantic.
When Alan and I were first going together, he would send me a sweet card or note every day..once he sent a card special delivery and guess who delivered it? My dad who worked for the post office....I was certainly surprised to see Dad come to the door saying "Special delivery for Danielle" with a big smile on his face....Alan also brought me flowers often...usually sweet smelling carnations as he knew how much I liked them......
I hope you have some sweet memories that make you are free to share them here...
Monday, February 4, 2008

here is the second Valentine postcard giveaway...Happy Monday! I am not posting much today as its my day to post on our group blog, Glad Tidings...
its cold today, clear and cold..brrr! I guess us Californians have thin blood but 50 degrees all day is cold for is lovely though...clear, and all the mountains are covered with snow..the lower hills are so green from the rain..
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Vintage Valentines

I started a vintage postcard valentine collection a few years ago and my albums are each day until the 14th I will feature a free one for you to you can tell, I love old photos and graphics....I find them somehow both fascinating, comforting and interest reflects my crafting with the old photos on my journals and jars...and remember I am running a special on anything in my shop...10% off if you mention this blog in your order....also just to let my readers know...if you buy a journal to go with the shipping on the journal...
Please check the Glad Tidings Blog which I am part in also as we are running some free patterns, and other goodies right now...if you are like me, I love free stuff!
Cora, is running a contest too on her could win some of her wonderful angels. Her blog is Hidden Riches in Secret Places and her angels are beautiful...
As a few of you know, we are really hurting financially right now..a season we are going through..the toughest time we've ever been in....working so hard and trusting the Lord for His provision.....we are one month behind in our house payment and trying to get caught up....I shared this in our group and someone shared a scripture with me that has really stuck...
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory; that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain. So God granted him what he requested." -- I Chronicles 4:10
I am praying that the Lord will be gracious and enlarge our territory this next week..that His Hand will be upon us and I am praying that He will keep us from tempers get shortened when money is tight. Starting a new business isn't for the faint hearted or quitters....we've been in the locksmith business now 6 months and its crunch time..please pray God will enlarge our territory, and provide for our needs...We give Him the praise and thanksgiving...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Happy Saturday! hope you all have had a good one....been a little on the cold side here for Southern the mid 60s...and looking like it could rain but hasn't....
Here is another photo..this was in my parents album....I think it was taken around 1915 but not sure....they look like they are well armed and ready for anything, don't they?
Friday, February 1, 2008
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