Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two Unusual Finds

Yesterday we re keyed a foreclosed house and I found these decorative knife, fork, spoon and ladle in the kitchen dishwasher..they were splattered with grease. I ran them through the dishwasher and hot water..they came out sparkling clean. I also found these unusual aluminum items..we believe they are for squeezing citrus and garlic.....
I'd never seen any of these before..and have no idea if they are vintage or not...there are no makers marks..there is a tiny chip on the ladle that is almost unnoticeable unless you look for it, otherwise in very good condition...there are holes for hanging on the back of the utensils. No damage on the aluminum pieces.
Any ideas, anyone? I know that decorative utensils were popular to hang  in the 60s and 70s...

We woke up early to cloudy skies, cooler temperatures and rain....took all the peat pots into the garage as we didn't want them drenched.....and also we put a little rain coat on the dog..he's in the garage too..Kingston was really sick yesterday....both ends....and we watched him carefully...evidently he'd eaten something that didn't agree with him.....just came him lots of water and he slept most of the day....he's recovered now..Alan found him chewing on mulch bark which may have been the culprit...he took it away quickly......poor puppy doesn't know that some things are just plain bad to eat!


  1. Great little finds! It is always nice to find little things such as these.

  2. If it is coco mulch bark you'd better get him to the vet. A lot of people don't know that could be fatal. It is like when they eat chocolate.

  3. no..its not coco mulch..we know about the coco one bag some time ago and realized our mistake..he's fine now..I think he ate something he found on one of our walks in the field.....

  4. You found some neat stuff! Glad to hear your Kingston is feeling better and didn't get to eat too much mulch, not sure what kind you have but the cocoa mulch is toxic to dogs, it has the same cocoa that chocolate is made from. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Poor little guy.....
    Glad he's doing better.
    Awesome finds. Love the presses.
    Have a wonderful first week of spring.


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