Friday, March 11, 2011

Review: Belvedere Designs

I was asked to do a review of custom family car stickers from Belvedere Designs which was really fun to visit....we've often seen these family stickers on cars and vans..thought they were cute and wondered where to get them.......I didn't have a clue but soon found out that Belvedere has some of the nicest ones.....after I ordered, the box came very fast..within 4 days which was many times have  you ordered something and took weeks to get?....the box had a good instruction page..we waited to put these on as it rained last week..
The stickers come on a roll and were very easy to apply....we both think they are very cool.....only wish we got more cats stickers and a dog and a duck.(they don't have ducks..hint, hint, Belvedere)..they have many different styles you can order, from

and cute bears

and more..the family stickers can be personalized..I went with baking and Alan with tools...Don got a swimsuit and Matt, a ball/bat as he is now playing softball on the!
Belvedere also has wall quotes and I am so tempted to order a one for our bedroom....

which makes this company interesting, not only do they have darling wall and car quotes, you can design your own! There is a page on the site where you type out what you want, whatever color and font you want and there ya go! Custom Vinyl Lettering! this would be great for the school room, church , business and office.
Their website has a gallery with many ideas for using the stickers and one thing that is REALLY good as these stickers remove easily and don't mar the walls...great for renters, students, and children....
finally, they wanted you to know that they are on Facebook and often post discounts..if you send a photo of your wall quote on the friend page of may win $50...many people have posted the way they've used their quotes and its really fun to see what's been me lots of good ideas..

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

1 comment:

  1. Those are neats signs, Dani.... I wonder if I could get one with chicken and sheep feet? *LOL*


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