Monday, March 21, 2011

Rainy Day Mondays

This is the cheapest gas in our town....phew! and I heard on TV last night it could go up even more..of course, this has a ripple is more as we are all finding out...I've been reading my favorite blogs and some are having to sell their farm animals as it's just costing too much to feed them....
Some time ago, I told you about the website.Off The Grid News and the free newsletter they send out....they are giving away free, a 33 page ebook called Food newsletter subscribers that is well worth downloading....
hope you take advantage.....
We've had cold rainy weather this last two put our little tomato peat pots in the far they are doing fine and the seeds have sprouted. We have seedlings! The seeds we ordered from Penny's have germinated right on time....Alan worked out in the cold wind yesterday..we are taking up the grass that is around the garden, and putting down (well, I don't know how to describe it really) but he's putting down wood, outlining the does look alot better and one step closer to sq. ft. gardening...I would post a photo but its just too rainy to go outside right now. Of course, the duck loves it, although yesterday she didn't like the was really windy, in the 25-30 mph range..not so windy now........Alan also re seeded the lawn which isn't in garden......and got the grass ready for spring.....

Kingston has recovered completely from the stomach upset.....he doesn't like the rain or cold at all.....we have a little coat he wears that is quilted but he hates wearing it.....rather be inside on his big pillow covered with a flannel blanket....frankly, so would I!


  1. Yes your gasoline is even higher than ours - I filled up our "good" car at Costco this afternoon - paid $3.59/gallon for premium. We will probably buy plants for our garden DH is volunteering to tend garden for us this year and during a drought - we need all the help starting out well as possible. Kingston is a smart dog - why wear a jacket when you have a comfy bed to curl up in!

  2. Goodness, Dani~ I thought gas was high here!
    We've been having gorgeous weather, but they're saying rain and colder temperatures are headed our way for the weekend... *sigh*
    Is Mrs. Quack still on her eggs?


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