well, my cold turned into the flu and I've been resting for two days...lots of coughing, body aches, slight fever, etc. the whole enchilada ...got up this morning early as I couldn't sleep, got my oldest son off to work, listed a few things on Ebay and fell back into bed, slept the rest of the morning....feel a little better now...
last night while I was battling coughing,in bed, the Lord reminded me of all the other people who were a lot worse off last night, so I started praying for everyone that He brought to my mind....couldn't believe how many there were..from mothers having difficult births, to people who were battling cancer..most of whom I didn't know...not in this country but all over the world....what was amazing to me was while I was praying, the coughing stopped and I was able to go to fall into a peaceful sleep.
I wonder if the Lord wants us to pray like that more often?...we get so involved in day to day living, our own families, friends and problems....I wonder who will "stand in the gap" for those who have no one to pray for them...
Girl, you hit home on this one. We've been passing this stuff from one family member to another for about 2 months now. And in the midst of my complaining, the Lord gently reminds me of all I have to be thankful for. Sorry you've been sick. I'll be praying for you.
So sorry that you're feeling poorly, Dani. I can identify with your revelation. Sometimes it takes me getting quiet before I can hear that still small voice reminding me of what I need to be doing. Thanks for sharing. You're in my prayers, too.