well, had a huge coughing fit in the night....then slept for a few hours, it was so nice, warm and cozy...didn't really want to get up this morning but for some reason, my 19 year old son needs me to wake him up for work...he has always been like that, sleeps very heavily...so I am alarm clock mom....I once asked him if when he moves out, how he will wake up...he grinned and said, who's moving out? I think he intends on living here until he's 40. When pigs fly.....
Got a little bit of housework done, mainly putting away more Christmas things..when I got a huge mega headache so sat down for a while...
a lot of congestion in my head..my youngest boy, Matt comes in and says, "I got just the thing, Mom", he gets this spray bottle of sinus spray,
says..."hold your head back" at this point, I was willing to try anything...he squirts this stuff in my nose with a mega blast..
I was taken by surprise..it poured down my throat...I started coughing, he yells.."Mom,spit it out, quick".. too late..I swallowed it...it started burning throughout my sinuses.....I blew my nose, I gargled, I drank water, I coughed...he said..."guess I over did it, huh?" then he tries to get me to clear my throat and spit like he can..and demonstrates into the sink..sorry, son, I'm a girl, we just can't do that"...I've never been able to, but I really tried which I guess was really funny as he and my husband (who came in right when this was going on) started laughing ...I did forget about the headache!
...about an hour later, the burning ceased (thankfully), I got stomach cramps, and ran running to the bathroom....I don't know if it was a result of the flu, or ingesting sinus spray...or both...
it is now evening, and time to sleep...I plan on doctoring myself with plenty of nyquil so perhaps the coughing will be subdued tonight...and the bathroom will get a break....
and Praise the Lord.....no alarm clock mom tomorrow! Its Sunday!
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