I slept very well last night...even got to sleep in..which is a blessing....not much coughing today but I feel tired and a little dizzy...evidently the cold settled in my ears. All is good though.....another good nights sleep should put me on the road to recovery..
I did cut out my Annie doll, poked the holes for the face on the pattern and marked it on the fabric so she is ready to sew.....soon as I get the energy to get the sewing machine together.....I don't have a place to set it up permanently so I keep it in the closet. I set it up at the kitchen table.
I have some Ebay auctions closing in a day or so...one bid with a lot of watchers on the others.....
My grandfather, James William Barrier, left behind a series of cassette tapes, describing his early life, he was born in 1886.....his father died when he was only 3 months old....his mother remarried but for some reason she did not raise him but he lived with his grandparents in a one room cabin...he never went to school, his grandmother taught him how to read, writing and math. As a young man, he did some cowboy work, and after he married my grandmother in 1908...he homesteaded in Montana, living in a tent through 3 Montana winters with 3 young children. My mother was born as the youngest in 1919 which by that time, the family had moved to Spokane, Wa. He and my grandmother lived through WWI and the Depression...had many struggles and victories which have inspired me greatly.
Why am I telling you this? Because if he had not made the tapes, no one would know...
His many adventures would be lost to future generations.......
everyone has a story to tell....everyone...that is why I've been led to make these
journal or memory jars which when used, promote recording that story, either in a written journal or on tape. I sell these in my store and on Ebay....
The above old photo is my grandpa, around 1905
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