It never rains in Southern California? Well, that's not exactly true...we've had a good rain storm for several days now and our little Lazy Creek is full.....everything is soggy and wet...what a blessing! Rain here is looked forward to as we've been in a drought for several years......
The local water authority wants to put a moratorium on any new building because of the water shortage....this may be a good thing as there are so many homes empty right now, for sale and rent....it would bring our property values up some if there were not any new homes for a year or so...even things out a little..
In our locksmith business...we've been getting calls this last month from home buyers who are closing escrows soon. That is good news and a small indication that our housing crisis might be coming to a close...I hope so. Great time to buy..bad time to sell......we'd like to get a different home...with more acreage but not now as we couldn't sell our house for even what we paid for it.....
I would like about two acres or so....like to get a dog, have more fruit trees,...a pond, garden, etc....maybe even have a chicken coop.....a dream for now..we have a big yard now...our property is on a 10,000+ sq. ft lot. and we do have fruit trees and a rose garden with an arbor, large covered patio...I will be happy if we can keep this home ...we need more business!
Dani, sounds like a good day all around . . . . rain, more business, and a dream! I love rainy days. Love the sound of it, the feel of it on my face, love to walk in it through the woods. Love your dreams! Maybe just the right place will turn up for you, AND a buyer for your house! I'll be praying -- continuing to pray -- that God will show you the way!