I have sold and been involved on Ebay since 1999...lots of changes over the years mostly for good..I was just looking at our home and counting all the items I have
won in auctions....quite a few...
unfortunately with those changes...comes higher Ebay prices...now to sell anything up to $10.00 ebay charges the sellers .80 cents plus takes out a "final value fee" when the item sells......
that really hurts a small sellers sales, and why I don't sell much there anymore..
I will occasionally put some up for bid but mostly I sell out of my store...I only have to pay a yearly fee and that's it...no other charges.....I can pass that savings on to my buyers too and keep my prices lower......
in other ways, Ebay is still great...I find things I need to make my journal jars that otherwise I would have to drive miles to get...with high gas prices this makes sense....
Did you know that Walmart is taking out their crafting/fabric departments? just go to the nearest one and check it out....there is no more embroidery floss at our nearest local one...that means if I need one skein of a certain color I have to drive 20-30 miles round trip to get it....ridiculous...for a .35 cent skein of floss....I don't think so...I think our nearby one still has fabric but I don't know for how long...
I am going to put some links in the right hand side of this blog for some online stores for crafting items if you are so inclined.....I found ( through a ebay friend) a good online discount crafting supply house and their shipment is great...its called Sunshine Crafts..
Well, back to Ebay.....I think the greatest thing about Ebay is its discussion boards and groups...I have made some very special friends there who I would never have met if it wasn't for Ebay...and learned a lot too.....its a safe place to meet people with common interests...never had a problem with wise guys, vulgar talking, insults, etc..like other forums I have visited...
Dani, my cat would be very happy if he could sell the dog on ebay! I got such a kick out of that! Thank you! Cora