Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jayden Report

Jayden is growing by leaps and bounds...he is 7 weeks old now and weighs about 12 lbs..he can already lift his head fairly well and is trying to roll over...and has taken to smiling at far, I haven't been able to get a photo of his smile...this is the best and of course, its out of focus...but in time, we will get that delightful smile...he's making more sounds too..

Here he is with his mom...we had a little scare the other night..after his bath, he turned very pale and went limp..the kids tried calling the doctor but couldn't get through so they took him to the time they got there, he had recovered but the doctors did alot of tests anyway..took an Xray..evidently he was congested and stopped breathing for a short time...scary....he now sleeps with a humidifier in the room and his cold is clearing.....he's no worse for wear but we all were a wreck...lots of prayers that night!


  1. I have been wondering about him Dani and I know how scarey babies can be sometimes..even after 9 of them and then grandkids I had a lot of scares. Hope he stays O K and will soon be getting into things...thats what makes Grandkids fun...especially when they love your pots and pans or your Tupperware. I am sure you will enjoy him this year at Christmas even if he is so little :)
    They do grow up REAL fast

  2. Very scary -- hope there are no repeats of that!! He is a cutie!! Cannot wait to start spoiling my little grandbaby boy in January. You have to be over the moon for Jayden :)


  3. Wow, that would be SO scary! Glad all is well and he's just adorable and growing so much! The kids are hoping my son can get leave for Christmas to come home, keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

  4. What a little cutie-pie! I hope he gets over that cold quickly and doesn't give ya'll another scare! He looks like he's eatin' good!


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