Friday, October 14, 2011

A Swap and Wrapping Up the Week...

I did a swap with Nancy, Huggins Haven...and got this wonderful raggedy runner that she made..traded with her some redwork towels. I just love it...she also included a matching candle mat......I love the warm colors.
I also bought one of her wonderful pillows..a fishing one for our boarder as he is a avid fisherman....I think he will like it....Alan sure did..
these things are one of a kind so don't have a photo of the pillow but here is a similar one she has in her shop.

All of her crafts are very well and expertly made..and make wonderful gifts....

also I am open to doing swaps....with the economy the way it is...
swapping and bartering may be the way of the future........

 Our weather has been on the warm side, in the 90s....this week our jobs have been few...we did have two yesterday but only one today....and several days with no jobs...sigh....late yesterday afternoon  we had a job in Lake eviction and the house (really a duplex) was very dirty with broken windows and trash everywhere...took us over an hour to get it secured..10 locks, windows to board up and we had to padlock several gates and the garage.....It was two story with a separate house on each floor...the bottom had been freshly painted and was clean but it was another story with the top half....the only thing going for it was the view...and what a view it was...wish I had taken a could see the entire lake from the living room..and at night, it was spectacular....starry skies, a harvest moon and lights out on the water...just beautiful.
I am planning on doing some crafting and housework this weekend..maybe a little baking you have any plans?

1 comment:

  1. What a great trade you made with Nancy. And your grandson is so cute. Fall is a lovely time of the year.


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