Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Decorating Big Time

Some people go all out, don't they? this family doesn't live too far from us, up in Riverside, alot of time on their hands...LOL

Our weather has been on the cool side..really unusual for October...we are usually in the 80s but we've been in the 60s....I am taking advantage and making bread today in the bread maker...sugar free of course.....and we'll be having potato soup tonight. One loaf cinnamon raisin and one oatmeal. if I am really ambitious, might bake a pie also. No jobs today so far....we had 4 yesterday.....and quite a few tomorrow....
We don't do much for Halloween other than giving out candy to the little ones but the young people here have been carving jack-o-lanterns..


  1. Wow...I bet they give out big candy bars :) Blessings

  2. Can you imagine living next door? I don't think so.

    We celebrate "fall" the "harvest". (o:


  3. I don't do anything anymore for Halloween since all my kids grew up and Grandkids are pretty much into their own thing.
    I really don't do much for fall decorating either since no one would see it but me and Billy and I think it is to much work for just us and he wouldn't even notice it anyhow. The people with all the lights went through a lot of work..I wonder what they do for Christmas and what they give to trick or treaters. I think we will only have 1 little boy (8 yrs old) that will come here T or T and I think I will make some cup cakes for him. He is our LL's Grandson and tknow us so I am sure they will let him have whatever I make and he is already counting on getting something special from us because I told him we would :)

  4. Nice post thanks for sharing..loves from holland...soraya

  5. Hi Dani,

    Freezing here now, 60`s earlier today. Our weather is very similar. Our little community has a Halloween celebration at our community center every year with games and treats for the kids. We are very rural and this keeps the kids safe.


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