Eagles Wings..."but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:30-31
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)
Been some time since I last posted, the days seem to be filled with housework, and listing on Ebay, playing with our grandson and getting ready for planting this spring. I did manage to plant some potato and onion sets while it was warm this last week, and wouldn't you know it, a storm came in yesterday. No freezing weather though so I think all will be well.
The above is one of the postcards I have listed on Ebay. I really like the German cards, they are so beautiful, little works of art. The above one is German, is embossed and has gold accents..it really is much prettier than the photo.
My second favorite are these photographic type valentines, so sweet and romantic. From the dress, its an early one...the gentleman looks alot like my grandfather..
Do you see what I mean?
This is him around 1905.
I love collecting postcards. Its a fun hobby, they don't cost much and store easily. Don't take up alot of room. Some we've collected have gone up in value.We've collected quite a few from Alan's home town of Independence, Iowa. These have gone up a bit from when we first got them. We're not selling those at this time.
If you'd like to see what I have listed, you can find them here If you've thought about starting a collection, there are many themes for you to consider. Some like to collect holidays, others a certain area like their home town, or perhaps animals like cats or dogs.
Also worlds fairs, zoos, political postcards, the list goes on, whatever you are interested in.
I've been thinking of branching out and making a album of postcards on Old California. I have 3 right now, Valentine, Christmas and then the Independence one.
Just a little note today to let my readers know, I've had to put on moderation as I've been getting a ton of spam, everything from Ugg boots to Cilais so its time to put an end to it. I love my readers so know you will understand. Your comments are precious to me.
We finally got our solar panels running...here is a portion of them on the back side of our house...we have a total of 27 panels and its so much fun watching the meter go backwards! It took time as we had to get it all inspected by the solar people, the electric company and the city. The city took the longest as they're backlogged but it came through and last week, we have solar! Just in time as the electric company is raising their rates at the end of the month.
What is the nicest is that we'll be paying a set fee every month, not this up and down depending on the weather. Its been a cold winter so far. Our average night time temperature is around 25 degrees! and the days have been in the low 50s.
Here is a recent photo of Jayden, he's 18 months old and growing so fast..he says over 100 words and is very smart, at least we think so. He loves books, not TV. He has a stack of board books he loves and also regular books which we keep up. He will ask for those from where they are stored. His favorite books are about cars and dogs. We have one book called Go Dog Go where dogs drive around in cars which is his absolute favorite. I think I have it about memorized as we've read it so many times!
Lastly, I listed some of my vintage valentine postcards on Ebay this week.
You can find this one and 9 more at China Lake Auctions..these are all very old, just about antiques as most of them are 100 years old or close to it.
Almost forgot to post a photo of the pillow top I have just mailed off to Nancy. This is for her daughter...
It wasn't quite finished when I took the photo, but you can get the idea. The fabric is a Civil War reproduction and I think its little hearts. The light area around the Welcome is called Fabric Solvy and you print on it, stick it to the fabric, do your stitching and then wash it out with some cool water. It works wonderfully! I get it online at Bird Brain Designs.
Sad to report that one of our favorite TV personalities has passed away, Huell Howser who hosted California's Gold died two days ago after a illness. He was only 67 and loved by thousands of Californians and others for his wonderful show highlighting our beautiful state. We watched him every week and our kids grew up learning so much. His passing is like losing a family member and he will be missed greatly.
The good part is he donated all the shows archives to the Chapman University and you can go to the website to watch all 900 shows!
I'm sharing the link so no matter where you are, you will be able to enjoy his shows and I know once you see one, you'll be hooked as what made Huell so beloved was that he truly liked people, everyone he met was a friend and in turn, we all grew to love him right back. Huell Howser Archives at Chapman University
I'm including a California's Gold Classic from youtube...This is part 1 of the Yosemite Firefall..
if you never get to California, this is a wonderful way to see our state without leaving your home.
Nancy is having a blow out sales in her selling blog, and Ebay. I just have to let you know about her great items.
I bought two of her cookbooks and just love them. I gave one to my brother as a Christmas present and kept one for myself. I have alot of cookbooks, but this one is by far the most unique one in my collection. Right now she is selling them at a great price of $18.00 plus free shipping. The recipes run the gamat from old stars like Phyllis Diller to Vanna White to Jeff Foxworthy, to Betty White who so generously sent their favorite recipes. Along with photos, autographs, and comments, the recipes are downright yummy!
She is also has many nice handmade items for sale..nice time to stock up for those times we need a little something to give a neighbor, teacher or someone who has helped us out.
There are pincushions,
Handmade pet beds for your fur baby...and more
all at rock bottom prices...
Nancy also sells on Ebay and has alot of fabric she's selling, plus market bags, a denim quilt top, baskets, and more. Her Ebay offerings are at Making Memories Nana
She is trying to gather funds to move closer to their family as their very good landlord passed away. You can find out more on her blog at Inside Nana's Head and to find these and more things for sale go to her selling blog Huggins Haven
Happy Sunday morning!
I'm getting over a head cold, and its breaking up today. You all know what that means so am staying away from the baby, with all my coughing/and congestion. As the grandma, I have that luxury, if you can call it that.
I am planning on baking a cake today, as its my husbands birthday, guess I'll do it when Jayden takes a nap which should be soon. Alan always gets a little short changed on his birthday being its only a few days after Christmas. The kids are planning on making him his favorite, lasagna for dinner ending with chocolate birthday cake.
Did I say, that I will be getting my social security this year starting at the end of April? My! I are getting old! But its a good thing as with our combined income then, things will be alot easier for us. There will not be the critical worry about paying bills and putting food on the table we've had for the last 7 years since we started this adventure of self-employment.
We will still work though, at least part time to make life more comfortable. We both enjoy the travel. Locksmithing is not labor intensive. We have several regular accounts with real estate agents that we've worked with for several years who count on us.
I'm concentrating on more online sales also which we may go to completely as we get older.
Right now I am having a clearance sale in my Etsy shop and have reduced everything from 20 to 50% of what it was. Trying to clear out a few things. I would mention everything I offer is USA made, mostly from the 1930s -70s.
I have for sale most of the pink depression glass collection I saved through the years. My kids are not interested in it so it needs to go..
This is the Cherry Blossom platter I have plus have 4 matching dinner plates. As far as I can tell, these are the real deal and not reproduction. You can find these and alot more in my shop Inspiration Memories
As you may know, I do embroidery also and have another shop called Sweet Home Stitchery, however sales there have dropped and I've just about decided to close it. Embroidery and other crafting will become my hobby rather than income. I do love handcrafted things as you know and am open to swaps of any kind. I will be embroidering for family and friends. Right now I am working on a pillow top for Nancy Huggins as a gift to her daughter for her birthday. I will share a photo when its finished. I did alot of work on it yesterday while watching the Raiders of the Lost Ark trilogy on TV yesterday.
I'm making it a little different, using civil war reproduction fabric.
That are some of the changes coming this year. God is working and is faithful in these trying times as we trust in Him. I'm going to end this post with Alan's favorite song sung by George Beverly Shea
I took a little hiatus from posting during the holidays. I did want to share these wonderful place mats that Nancy Huggins made for me in a swap we did. Don't they look great on our Christmas table? I swapped her some embroidered towels and a couple of stitchery pictures. I am always open for swaps.
She also did an order from my DIL for some pretty pillows to send her family using Jayden's photos...
They made such unique gifts for grandparents and other family.
My brother got one and he called thanking her for such a nice gift. It looks like with the Presidents reelection that he may be getting laid off from Lockheed. He's worked for them for almost 20 years. He will know in the coming weeks and is getting prepared for the worst. Its sad but happy too as it will mean he'll be returning to California to a home he has in Oceanside which is only a 35 mile drive from us. He and his family now live in Hawaii.
I also wanted to share that Brenda is having her first giveaway of the new year!
She's giving away this primitive bunny and carrot, nice for spring decorating which (hopefully) is right around the corner. This giveaway ends January 31st. You can sign up on her blog, The Rusty Thimble..her creations are always so well done and unique, if you've never visited her Etsy shop, the link for it is on her blog site as well as many photos of her items.