Friday, July 27, 2012

Tomato Soup

Today we made tomato soup and canned 7 qts. This recipe is one I've posted before, its an old 1948 Kerr recipe and very good. The best one I've ever found with the greatest flavor. I cut up about 14 qts. of tomatoes, along with some celery, onions, and parsley. Let it cook until the celery was soft, than ran it through the food mill (which was work, believe me!) (had to call in the big guy to help with that).
It left a few seeds but nobody seems to mind, you could run it through again if need be. Then I put the soup in hot quart jars, sealed them and put them into the water bath canner for 30 minutes at a full boil.

Ta Da!

As Alan planted almost 50 plants, we'll probably have at least another 7 qts, before too long..plenty for the fall and winter. You can do so much with this soup from adding it to stews, in meatloaf, and much more. 


  1. Oh this is lovely. I make suop with my home grown tomatoes but right now I have now

  2. Looks good Dani..Our tomatoes did nothing again this year so I guess I should just give up. Anyone in this area that did have good luck growing tomatoes and is selling at the Farmers Market wants high prices. Maybe next year will be better. Fred has a good crop of zuchinni squash and did share with us :)

  3. Our tomatoes are just now starting to turn red in fact I need to check them. When my daughter came up they stopped at a produce stand and brought us bunches of them along with peaches, onions, and a watermelon.

    I really need to learn to can like you do, maybe I should take your tutorials!

    Smiles, cyndi
    It looks wonderful, I adore tomato soup any day of the week!

  4. Thanks for your tomato soup preparation tips. Too hot for our tomatoes just now. Hoping to have a new harvest in the fall.


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