Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've been getting so many emails from so many sites predicting that in the next few months prices on everything (and I mean everything) will be going up ....yesterday I got an email from saying there will be world wide  shortages of basic items like flour and sparse grocery store shelves...and long gas lines (ala Jimmy Carters presidency if you're that old and can remember)..cotton prices are going to be high, so clothes will be more and more expensive....scary've probably gotten similar ones.....I've noticed that prices are going up slowly in our local grocery store and gas prices have gone up a few cents so far. But "they" are predicting that it could get much worse......we had a family meeting yesterday and informed everyone about the possible looming situation and encouraged each other to good works and togetherness. I would also encourage you!

There are many good informative sites so will not bore you with things you can do......we've got quite a bit of canned food stored and are adding more as we can afford site said by next year 20% of Americans won't be able to afford food....20% ! and of course, we will have the garden what you can to protect your family...we intend on storing water ....hopefully, the situation will not be as bad as is predicted but its always good to be prepared......I have several sites on frugal living, etc. on the left hand side of this blog that can help.
but more important that preparing physically, we need to prepare spiritually.....we live in scary times with uncertainty.....God promises are sure....and true. I would encourage you to read the Bible Him while He may be found.....Bible Gateway is a wonderful way to read the Bible in a year......


  1. So many frightening things going on in the world right now, Dani. I am so thankful our God is in control! Loved the video!


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