Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bible Gateway, Garden News and a Few Funnies

I hope everyone had a wonderful and special Resurrection Sunday this year...we topped off the evening by watching the final The Bible episode, ending with His resurrection. They continued with coming of the Holy Spirit, the conversion of the Apostle Paul and the beginnings of the Church. I felt like it was a powerful presentation, although could have been more uplifting if they had stuck more to the scriptures, and less to tradition. But all in all, it was very good and I'm hoping people will be led to read more of the Bible. A good and easy way to get into the habit is to sign up for Bible Gateway's reading plans. A section will be sent to you every day, read it faithfully and in a year you will have read the entire Bible. I've been doing this for a number of years now and find it quite helpful. On the left side of my blog, there are links plus every day you will see a selection, and can also hear it read.
Our weather has been very nice, warm in the 70s with cool nights in the 40s. Our garden is growing crazy. We've planted our crops for the spring and early summer. The beets will be harvested probably by next month as well as the peas. The corn is coming up and we planted early tomatoes which have flowers now. All my sunflowers are up and reaching to the sky. No flowers yet but soon.

The nectarine and peach trees have finished blooming and are setting fruit. Hope we don't get a frost but so far so good. You can see all the grass on the top of the retaining wall. We had so many weeds!! I say "had" because Alan and I took two days to pull them all out. It was a job but well worth it. We're planning on ordering a truckload of mulch to spread over that area to help keep them at bay. We did this about 5 years ago but its time to do it again .
The last concrete ring you see used to have apple tree in it but it never bore any fruit so after 3 years, we took it out. Alan planted a grape vine there and plans on putting up a trellis soon for it. Rather an experiment and we hope it does well. It was a bare root and is now  just starting to grow.
Finally a few funnies, haven't posted any new ones in a few weeks...

1 comment:

  1. The Bible Gateway sounds wonderful. Sounds like you are having beautiful weather. Hope your garden is a success! Always love comical cats! Too cute!


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